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Librarian and staff of the Platt

In addition to our hard-working staff, the Platt is also home to several community volunteers.

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Library Director

Abby Adams

Abby is originally from Alexandria, Virginia and her BA is in English from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg. Her MLIS is from the University of South Carolina and her background is in children’s and young adults’ librarianship. She spent four years driving a 28-ft Mobile Library for the Williamsburg Regional Library and is happy to change to a library that rests on a solid foundation, rather than shocks and tires. In her spare time she loves reading, cooking, knitting, hiking, and kayaking.
She has been running the Platt Memorial Library since August 2011. She also has worked as a school library media specialist in Addison Central School District since 2015.

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